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A Transformational Experience

Writer's picture: Rusty McKieRusty McKie

In a past article, I shared a description of spiritual direction.

Last week, I attended the Harbor Network's Leader Summit and described spiritual direction over and again in conversations.

It struck me how challenging it is to define this ministry.

You don't want to be the guy who says, "You got to experience it to understand it." While there's some truth to that, varying explanations can be helpful.

With that in mind, here's a statement, description, and result of spiritual direction.

a Statement

Transformation comes through an encounter with Jesus.

The Scriptures are abundantly clear on this point (Exodus 34:29-35; Isaiah 6:1-8; 2 Corinthians 3:18; 1 John 3:1-3).

In many ways, the story of the Bible is a story of intimacy lost and regained through Jesus' life, death, and resurrection.

To behold Jesus is to become like Jesus.

A Description

Spiritual direction seeks to experience the safe and loving presence of Jesus.

Seeking spiritual experiences can make some uncomfortable, yet the Scriptural idea of knowing God (John 17:3) is a knowledge of the heart, body, mind, soul, and strength.

David said out of all the things he seeks in this world that he wants to gaze upon the beauty of the Lord (Psalm 27:4; see also Ephesians 3:14-19).

A direction session is all about seeking this transformative experience of relating and responding to Jesus.

A Result

Spiritual direction can alter our lives in incredible ways.

The life transformation I'm talking about here is not a result of a fantastic director but an extraordinary God.

It's not our efforts or skills that earn us progress but God's grace freely given in slowed-down moments of seeking the Lord.

One reason I love spiritual direction so much is that it emphasizes Jesus' work in our lives. It creates a deeper dependence on the Spirit of Christ, not on people.

If you're interested in experiencing spiritual direction, the first session is free. I'd love to meet you!


Want help growing in emotional and spiritual health? Trying to discern a big life decision or overcome a challenging obstacle? Want to be closer to Jesus? I can help.

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