Rusty McKie

2 min

My Favorite Part of my Bullet Journal

Updated: Nov 23, 2021

For the past several weeks, I've shared why I bullet journal, how to plan out your month, and how to schedule your week.

In this last installment, I want to share my favorite part of my bullet journal — my memories page.

Why I need a Memories Page

I realized several years ago that I tend to live in the present and future. I don't remember the past.

Since life is more than the next thing, I need to take proactive measures to remember.

The need to remember is nothing new and a central command in the Scriptures because people are forgetful.

For me, remembering good memories helps increase gratitude to God and decrease hopelessness under challenging circumstances.

Also, remembering painful but life-changing memories is a way to learn from the past. At times, the past is a cruel teacher; however, it's always constant if we're willing to listen.

How I set up my Memories page

I add my memories page to my monthly log.

My memory page looks like this.

Taking the time to create this page helps me embody the experiences I want to remember.

At the end of each year, there is nothing like looking back over these pages. Life is too precious, not to cherish. For me, this is how I treasure the good gifts that God gives (James 1:17).

An unrelated freebie

If you've hung with me until now, here is one last unrelated bullet journal tip.

Do this to save time and make your bullet journal easier to navigate.

This little trick will help you flip between various collections (like your monthly or weekly log) without having to reference your index page.

Why Bullet Journal

My memories page is my favorite part of my bullet journal because it helps me be more present in my life.

Your life is like a mist — here today and gone tomorrow (James 4:14).

Why not do everything you can to honor Jesus and love others well. For me, a bullet journal helps me live with that kind of intentionality.

Perhaps it can work for you too.

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