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The art of stability book -
coming in 2024.

If God is my refuge, why does life feel so unstable? 

When chaos without and within threatens our peace, it is challenging to sense God's presence, yet He is near and full of compassion. The Art of Stability is not a how-to manual for floating above the pain of life but a way for haggard hearts to take the long journey home to Love. When we do, we experience the safety and love that was always ours in Jesus.


Are you worn out from ministry? Isn't Jesus' burden supposed to be light?

In the pressure-producing machine of our chaotic world, Jesus' words of rest don't often touch our lives. As ministry leaders, we know a lot about rest, yet we don't often experience it. The ancient practice of sabbath provides ample wisdom on how to enter into Christ. Sabbaticals is a guide showing us how to implement sabbath principles into a sabbatical as well as into the ebb and flow of our entire lives. 


"In this short but important volume, Rusty provides a roadmap for living Sabbath well. Not only do I recommend it, I also need it personally." 


- Scott Sauls, pastor and author of A Gentle Answer and From Weakness to Strength

"As a pastor's wife and someone who constantently (and stubbornly) butts up against my own limits, I'm so grateful for Rusty McKie's new book, Sabbaticals. With care and careful teaching, McKie offers churches and pastors the practical wisdom they need to understand and implement sabbatical practice." 

- Hannah Anderson, author of Humble Roots and All That's Good

"Rusty has written a thoroughly compelling and theologically informed case for sabbaticals that is not only concise but comprehensive." 

- Jonathan Holms, pastor and author of The Company We Keep: In Search of Biblical Friendship

"Rusty provides a timely and Biblical defense for the necessity of sabbatical rest. Pastors and elders need to read and take heed!" 


- Ronnie Martin, pastor and author of Stop Your Complaining: From Grumbling To Gratitude and The Best Gift Ever Given

"Even though I'm years away from my next sabbatical, I'm already planning how I will use this book to steward that one well." 

- Timothy Paul Jones, pastor, author, and vice president of doctoral studies at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary 

Interested in sabbatical coaching? 

Sign up for a free first appointment to discern if I can help.

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