Rusty McKie

1 min

Don't Do; Just Be.

Updated: Oct 6, 2021

Once upon a time, an older pastor encouraged me to get away for some silence and solitude.

I asked, What do I do for five hours?

His response — Don't do; just be.

Thanks, Yoda; super helpful. At the time, I didn't get it. I do now.

However, if you're used to over-functioning and working-like-your-hair-is-on-fire, telling someone to do nothing is confusing.

Yet, we still need to slow down.

The need to slow down

If you drive 60 miles an hour down a road and the passenger says, Look at those flowers, there is no way you can pay attention to them.

However, if you're strolling down the sidewalk and your friend says, Look at those flowers, then you can see and experience the flowers.

You can't pay attention to your inner world unless you slow down.

And most of us live at a 60-mile-an-hour pace.

We need to slow down to hear from the Holy Spirit — to receive comfort, conviction, guidance, and discernment for life.

But what do you do when you slow down?

There's an App for that

Recently, someone told me about this little app called, A Simple Pause.

In it, you will find 5ish minute sessions that lead you through:

  • Lectio Divina

  • Scripture Meditation

  • Imagination exercises

  • Silence

  • Etc.

I highly recommend interspersing pauses throughout your day with activities like these. You might be surprised by the results.

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